The Inner Sherpa



“Real families are built upon tolerance, patience, and forgiveness.” [UB 1604:06]

Thought Adjuster: “Many among you contest the possibility that they can be channels for the Divine Expression of Truth--mouthpieces or scribes, able to receive higher guidance and willing to humbly and lovingly share it with others. Yet they are no strangers to ‘Inspiration’—a very real form of connection with Spirit.

“However, they accept the fact that they can be conduits for Divine Love. Why refute the first scenario and embrace the second? Why favor your heart abilities over your spiritual capacities? Aren’t both intricate parts of your make-up? Don’t they each provide access to meaningful communications with Spirit?

“God is all Truth and God is all Love. He reveals Himself equally in Truth and Love—all inclusively. Just as’ true’ Love deeply resonates within your heart, authentic Truth also finds an echo in your being. You intuit it, you sense it, and you get it! Your heart joyfully responds and you celebrate such ‘aha’ moments, eager to share them with others—turning them into blessings.

“Truth is Truth and the Father needs many willing mouthpieces to expand His ever ongoing revelation of Truth. Along the ages, many prophets spoke higher truth and many scribes took down these tidbits of Truth. Science underwent a similar ‘revelatory’ process as humanity progressed in decoding the secrets of their being and surroundings; more and more volumes were added to the already extensive libraries—some of them rendering older volumes obsolete; the process is obviously still ongoing.

“You are all equipped with the ability to go to the Source of your being in order to be ‘inspired.’ It is not presumptuous to put it to the test. Rather, it is advisable. Your indwelling Divine Fragment has not been meant to be an eternally silent partner. What would be the point of His Presence within you?

“Just as Jesus constantly communed with the Father Presence within Him, so can you. At Pentecost, Humanity was blessed abundantly by the bestowal of a very close and personal Trinity-- a Divine Fragment of the Father, Jesus' Spirit of Truth and the motherly Holy Spirit, thus making them approachable on a one to one basis. ‘Truth out a babe’s mouth’ is a coined expression. Indeed, a child whose heart is pure is a very effective truth revelator.

“Dear ones, open your heart and your mind so that you can receive these amazing life transformative blessings. Share with one another the Truth that deeply resonates within your heart. Do not use Truth as projectiles as it goes against Love. Be tolerant of others’ beliefs as they are the starting points—not the destination—of their spiritual journey. The Father will build upon each one of these scaffoldings—at times tearing the shaky ones down to replace them with stronger ones. Remain humble and revise your own belief systems whenever they stop making sense. You are intelligent beings. Engage your intelligence but do not disconnect it from the intelligence of your heart—the deep feeling of knowingness that may at times be difficult to articulate.”

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