The Inner Sherpa



Christ Michael/Jesus: “I was a scribe once—known as the Scribe of Damascus. I took dictation from those who were illiterate and did My very best to lay down their messages in writing.

“Indeed, at such times, the scribe becomes a servant and lends his or her own mind in order to faithfully express the thoughts and feelings of others. The same goes for translators. They strive to remain objective to relay uncontaminated messages after filtering them through their bilingual mind. How amazing is that?

“As you sit down every morning, eager to receive messages of spiritual guidance, you are indeed acting as the scribe of celestial intelligence who have your highest good and the highest good of humanity at heart.

“Indeed, everything we do comes from the heart and the best way to ‘translate’ it for others is to come from your own heart—a magnificent receptacle for the Divine Love Substance.

“As I lived My life on earth, my first concern was to keep My heart open—no matter what. I was frequently in the midst of people who were vindictive toward Me and spewed hatred fueled by their prejudices and misperceptions. Yet, I shielded My heart so that it would not be affected by the bitterness they exuded. Indeed, bitterness could easily act as the lemon drop that causes an oyster to shut tight.

“Dear ones, do not allow your heart capacity to shrink! Do not inhale the toxic fumes of negativity! Rather, breathe in the cosmic love that impregnates the whole cosmos and oxygenate your heart—especially in those moments when it feels threatened. This is a balancing act that you will have to learn to master. Indeed, this is part of your curriculum toward the acquirement of Self-Mastery. Such a Mastery will give you full control over yourself—independently of outside pressures. You are all masters in the making!”

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