The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: I am your Guest Speaker. Trust in the words that flow through your mind. It is indeed the channel I will use for our communication. Even though our connection may seem very intangible to you, nonetheless it is real. Minds can connect with one another—independently of time and space. This is the beauty of it. As well, open hearts can connect to open hearts. It goes way beyond time and space, as Love, being eternal, is timeless. As well, Love forever flows from the Infinite Heart of the Father and is not space bound

Love can help you understand timelessness and spacelessness. At your very core, your emotional heartcontains the sum of all your loving relationships—past, present, and even potentially future, as it has the capacity to hold them ad infinitum.

From this perspective, how sad it is that so many human hearts are setting limiting parameters to their storage capacities? Love has been meant to freely infuse the universe. This includes you. You are part of the Love Circuitry. Love cannot be held captive in the human heart, as it would wither away like a bird in a cage, who no longer can stretch herwings to freely soar through the azure skies.

Your entire being has been conceived for Love. Train your brain to think loving thoughts. They will trickle down to your heart and jump start it to pump loving feelings. Your voice will then follow suit, experiencing the irresistible urge to lovingly articulate such high-quality thoughts and feelings. This is how the Father created through His Word.

Your body will then start behaving as an Ambassador of Love. This is how you will become harmonious beings, living in alignment with the Father’s Vision for your little part in the Divine Play. Dear ones, play your part well. You have been created for Love and you are loved.”

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