The Inner Sherpa



As you view the world, remember that the black patches of evil which you see are shown against a white background of ultimate good. [UB2076:03]

Teacher: “Dear child, this is indeed a good topic as you live in a world wherethe backdrop appears to be black, rather than white. It is because you are not privileged to look at it from the bird-eye view—the Father’s perspective.

“Due to the Lucifer rebellion ages ago, your world had to be quarantined so as not to infect more innocent bystanders. This quarantine has now been lifted and this mere fact should show you that the risk of infection is under control. This is something to celebrate even though it may not appear so from ground zero on which you stand.

“Light is flooding your planet at this very auspicious time of change. Myriads of Light Beings are shining their light on the dark patches. You first have to notice these pockets of resistance before gearing up to take action to eradicate them. Truth has been so contaminated with lies that their unbalanced manifestations have to draw general attention so that a concerted effort can be engaged into to pull out the roots of imbalance.

“A good comparison to expand on the above quote would be to visualize wearing a spotless white top. As it frequently occurs, it may get splashed with some tomato sauce and these tiny splashes quickly become an eye sore, making you feel unclean, insecure and embarrassed. You start obsessing about them and it makes them appear bigger in your mind’s eye than they are in reality. Yet, your garment is not ruined. Its pristine appearance can be restored with some scrubbing on your part.

“Do not get discouraged by looking at the dark events taking place on your planet through the lenses of the mass media that are over focusing on the trouble spots instead of bringing to the fore the cleaning efforts which are being undertaken by so many of you and at so many levels.

“Your inner world is invisible to the media and to the eyes of your siblings. Yet, many are awakening and actively cleaning their own inner world. It is known and acknowledged by us who are monitoring your progress from beyond the veil. There are many spiritual lights shining on your planet in our plain sight—just as you can see the multitude of city lights from your airplane window seat—provided there is no fog.

“There are definitely areas of dense spiritual fog on your planet due to many lower thought forms that are too down to earth to evaporate into the spiritual ether. This density is being gradually dispelled as many mortals of your realm are doing their inner homework, re-forming their own thinking, feeling and doing, thus becoming the change they want to see in the world.

“By dispelling your own inner fogginess, you become able to connect to much brighter horizons and to enlist the wonderful assistance of those from Higher Realms who have been briefed and trained to assist you very effectively in the transformative process that is taking place all over your world.

“Learn to identify the dirty spots on Mother Earth garment and become dedicated to help scrub them away as you would attack the little red spots on your shirt. It takes effort but it is effective. Rejoice that so much progress is being made and do not allow yourself to be fooled by the magnified pictures of evil presented to you by the mass media. Defect from the misguided masses and become an objective observer so that you can help others understand what an amazing time is upon you. Have faith and act accordingly and be assured that All is Well.”

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