The Inner Sherpa



“Relate yourself to every man as if you were in his place.” [UB 1452:02]

Thought Adjuster: “Relax! Indeed, at times, you are trying too hard and this brings rigidity into your being, rather than promoting complete receptivity. Relaxation is what is needed in our relationship. I am your safe harbor and there is no need for you to be on guard or on your best behavior. Ours is not a social encounter. Ours is a family gathering.

Allow for My words to flow into your mind unhindered. Visualize them as the running waters of a clear stream. They find their way in and through your mind and refresh it, cleansing it deeply. This is what I do for you.

From your part, just the fact that you give Me your undivided attention is enough, as it is the only prerequisite for establishing that bond between us. Trust Me and by doing so, you will relax in Me.

I will never hold your weaknesses and shortcomings against you. They may be your Achilles’ tendon but My unwavering intent is to strengthen you, never to take an unfair advantage over you.

You should behave in a similar fashion in all your human affairs and much good would be manifested through such supportive behaviors. Like the saying goes “nobody is perfect”. Shouldn’t it give you much compassion toward others? Shouldn’t it incite you to be a mediator for peace whenever you are privy to other’s troubled relationships?

Indeed, learn to douse the fires of discord rather than fueling them. Do not let them spread like out-of-control wildfires that level everyone and everything on their path. Volunteer as My heavenly firefighters. Ask yourself how Jesus would act in your place and how to apply the Golden Rule to any challenging situation. This is the wisest way to respond, thus becoming a pro bono champion of the highest good.”

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