The Inner Sherpa



“The better man understands his neighbor, the easier it will be to forgive him, even to love him.” [UB 2:4:2]

Thought Adjuster: “Why it is so hard for your planet to be free of conflicts? Entertaining such a vision seems utopian, doesn’t it?

“However, everything has been created out of love and for love’s sake—not only on the small planetary scale but all-inclusive of the Divine Masterwork. The most cutting-edge agents of change were introduced by Jesus when He lived His human life to set a sustainable precedent for all to follow:

(1)The Fatherhood of God– this was quite a daring statement to proclaim a Divine Parenthood. Moreover, He disclosed something that the Luciferian minions would have preferred to remain Top Secret: The Father dispatches Fragments of Himself to experience life with you and through you. HE DWELLS WITHIN YOU! Sadly, this most impactful revelation was soon relegated to oblivion by Jesus’ well-meaning disciples. They focused on Jesus’ death instead of keeping alive the home fires of such a comforting truth.

(2)The Brotherhood of Man– Why is it so difficult for humankind to grasp their family ties? While it seems perfectly normal to put your biological family first, it still appears as ‘out of the norm’ to cater to your extended spiritual family.

“In His life, Jesus showed empathy and compassion toward all. After ensuring that His mother and siblings were adequately provided for, He shifted his focus toward meeting the needs of His spiritual family. His trademark leitmotiv was “Treat others as you want to be treated”—with love and respect. Love is the great unifier—the magic relational ingredient.

“The major stumbling block toward world peace is the unsound focus on differences in opinions, ways of life, or external appearances. They deter many from even trying to understand their immediate or more distant ‘neighbors.’

“Why not explore the abundant common denominators that belie the apparent diversity? Can’t you see the rich contribution that diversity makes to the quality of your life experience? Rather than ‘pre-judging’ and ‘mis-judging’ others based on the innocuous cover of their Book of Life, why not study its content? It will unfailingly bring to the fore the ‘compassion’ element that was previously lacking. It will ‘familiarize’ you with your spiritual siblings. It may even ‘appreciate’ the opinion you hold of them your heart—quite a stretch from the ‘galloping depreciation’ that ensued for lack of appreciation.”

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