The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, because the Father has invested Himself in His creatures, there is always a common denominator between All That Is. The Father Himself ensured that there would be a connective tissue between Him and His children. His DNA is truly embedded in the children of this planet as well. This is the reason why, whenever you meet a new co-traveler, there will always be a point of magnetic attraction hidden in that potential relationship.

“On the outside, it seems that there is much division and conflict in this world. Because of this separation, the inner longing of each soul will not be fulfilled until such time when the God’s holes will be filled in each heart. Not only are you able to cultivate your relationship with the Father, but it is also nurtured by the type of loving and respectful relationship you have with your siblings. The Father is worthy of your respect at all levels. It is essential for a planet to become settled in Light and Love that those who live in this environment look for the Father within themselves and for the Father within their siblings.

“It is high time that humanity realizes the paradox of selective relationship. Love is Love. Period. Love is unconditional. You want to be loved unconditionally as you are aware that not everything is lovable within you. Yet, you do not extend to your siblings the same courtesy--the same measure of love. Isn’t it time that each human being start modeling the type of love they would like to be extended to themselves.

“Look for the gifts of the Father in your siblings. Express gratitude for them and help your siblings express their divine essence and uniqueness. What a beautiful place this planet would quickly become if the Golden Rule was truly the standard of relationships. Treat others as you want to be treated. This is not a lengthy intellectual lecture but a to-the-point powerful guideline, applicable to all without exceptions.”

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