The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you just read in The Urantia Book about the solar energy and its life giving power. Indeed energy is life giving--it IS life. There is no life without energy. This is why human beings will never be able to bestow the gift of life on any creature, no matter how much they try. Life energy is God’s gift. It stems from Him; it is His life plasma that He sends out into the whole creation to animate and sustain it.

“This is also the reason why there is life after life. There is actually only life in the moment. Life is alive NOW. The transition from the physical form to the morontia form is just that—a transition. It is not merely the ending of the physical life; it is a transmutation of the life energy which will continue uninterrupted in another form.

“Due to the limitation of the 5 human senses, you experience the process of transmutation as a loss and you describe it as ‘death.’ Yet, such is not the case. The Father is just refining the human vessel and upgrading it to finer vibrations as it leaves its carnal envelope. This is truly a rebirth—not a final death. You are continually being reborn—each nanosecond of your day witnesses your birth as a different and more evolved creature if you are investing yourself in that never ending process of new life opportunities.

“Being reborn is truly living life to the fullest. A child lives in a state of constant amazement and wonder. A child asks many questions in order to make sense of what is called “life.” This is why your Master Jesus stressed the importance of maintaining this childlike attitude throughout your life experience as you always will be a child of the Father and-- as a proud Father--, He will share with You more and more of His creative secrets so as to keep expanding your mind and your heart.

“As an energetic being, you also can affect others with your energy. You too are a light being and this light is also coupled with warmth—the warmth diffused by an open heart, a heart well oxygenated by Love.

“Do not fear that your energy will be eventually depleted. As long as you are connected to the Source, it is not possible for you to run out of the life force. Death only occurs when—by a free will act--, the creature decides to cut off the umbilical cord connected to the Source. The Father is truly holding the world from His abode in Paradise.”

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