The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you give permission in your Stillness time for your mind to be accessible only to the spiritual influences that have your highest good at heart. Is there a lower good? There certainly is. Goodness is the manifestation of God’s loving will. God’s will is 100% good. It is like a flawless diamond.

“To continue with that comparison, there may be a wide range of precious stones at different state of goodness. Consequently, they also reflect different ranges of truth and beauty. Just the same, the good that takes place in your life is also varying in its quality.

“Human beings consider their own good when they make life decisions, yet it may not be their highest good. The highest good is what is best for you at all levels of your being. If your decisions are only based on immediate self-gratification having to do with the physical and material aspect of your life, they may not be in alignment with your highest emotional and spiritual good.

“Whatever goes in the direction of your highest good takes all these factors in consideration and truly extracts from them the essence of your highest good. Sometimes your highest good takes a waiting period, i.e. the practice of patience from your side or from ours. Growth happens at its own pace and cannot and should not be forced.

“Whenever you make decisions, invite the trinity of Truth, Beauty and Goodness so that they can influence your decisions in manifesting their qualities. Truth, Beauty and Goodness are interrelated and find their manifestation in the oneness of Love. Love is true, beautiful and good.”

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