Teacher: “Dear one, we will continue to stress the importance of the practice of gratitude. Gratitude is truly a magic wand that you can wave on the life circumstances that you perceive as challenging. Sometimes life will deliver blessings to you which are contained within the hard to break shell of nuts. Your assignment is to find a way to break through the hard shell in order to extract from it the beautiful nourishment that it encloses.
“You may or may not need assistance to crack the nut. As a whole, humanity has to undergo that process on a global level and is currently faced with many challenges at many levels. What matters is that the can do spirit be awakened in everyone, instead of the defeatism which prevents many to even try.
“Where there is a will, there is a way is always applicable. Activate your will power and it will be the driving force which will propel you forward. Your will power is the launching pad of your highest intentions if you activate it in such a way as to help you to be proactive in your life challenges, instead of being resigned and passive.
“There are many higher forces and influences which you can connect with in your daily life – they are your advisors and counselors, your life coaches. Life is often being referred to as a school. Such is the case. A school has Teachers and many Teachers are guiding you through your life growth – some are in human form and some are from the celestial realms. They all participate in the divine curriculum.”