Thought Adjuster: “Let us address the transformative benefit of emptying your mind and visualizing a blank screen at the onset of every day.
This screen is now pregnant with possibilities, which enables the universe to stage a brand-new and unanticipated chapter of your life. Never doubt that the Father wishes to experience a happy life through you and with you.
Knowing that, reboot your mental screen daily to make room for an original script—not ‘the same old same old’ that tends to run your life in a boring loop.
Hire Me as the Director of the production of a more exciting and suspenseful life—a thriller of sorts. Your circumstances will change drastically as you will now anticipate good fortuities instead of remaining hostage to an unproductive way of thinking, feeling, and living.
Be like a child on Christmas morning, standing before unopened presents and filled with positive anticipation. It will help you perceive the gifts of each moment—no matter their size. A well-intentioned gift never fails to make your heart sing in gratitude, thus raising the vibrational plane on which you experience life.”