The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “In order to receive spiritual guidance, the optimum state of receptivity is a relaxed one—physically, emotionally and mentally. Why is it so?

“Complete relaxation involves these three layers of your being. A tense mind trickles down to emotions of resistance and unfailingly translates into physical tensions.

“It seems that an effective way to relieve tensions is to work your way backward—from your body to your mind. Indeed, all of you are more cognoscente about how to relieve physical tensions—through stretching, breathing, and massaging the painful knots out of your physical vehicle.

“As you become increasingly relaxed, you also witness that a ‘feeling’ of wellbeing takes over and soothes your emotions, as well as slows down and relaxes your mind. You may eventually come to experience a mental standstill—an inner calmness that was previously foreign to you. It feels good and you want to linger as long as possible in that frame of mind and frame of heart.

“This is the point of true relaxation and surrender within your being, as it pervades you in your entirety. Such a state is within your reach but it takes personal effort and practice. Yet, when I say effort, I mean focused intention, as, by itself, the word ‘effort’ implies hard work and pushing yourself—which could not be conducive to relaxation. This is not the type of effort I am hinting at. Rather, it is the setting of a clear intention, as an intention will act as an irresistible force of attraction.

“Wish for peace and absence of conflict. Go within and ask Me to take you there. I will take you by the hand and lovingly assist you in that process that I applaud, as it is the place where we can truly connect—no resistance from your part—only childlike trust and surrender—knowing that you are accessing a safe zone and can let your guard down. I will guard you, guide you and protect you. You can count on that. Let go and let God!”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

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