The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, life is indeed a Treasure Hunt. How do yousuccessfully find the locations where practical treasures have been buried? First, you need to sign up for that game and set the unwavering intentionto discover the hidden treasures and not reachthe finish line empty handed.

“The first stage of the Treasure Hunt of life ends upon your physical death. This is when you collect the brownie pointsaccumulated in your life savings account and are allowed to carry them with you through the veil of death. The rightfully earned spiritual wealth that you acquired while on earth will be your “ascension gear” for the next stage of your eternal life.

“Human beings need to understand that in order to be equipped to move on after leaving their carnal envelope; they need to gather treasures that have survival value. The most precious ones are the ability to love selflessly, an attitude of respect toward all of God’s creatures, an authentic self.

“Let us compare this life adventure to the launching of a rocket in space. It will require a lengthy and very meticulous labor to put together all the parts necessary for a successful launch. Nothing can be omitted as such an omission would jeopardize the success of the mission. As a postulant astronaut, you would undergo intense physical and mental training so that you can remain in control, no matter what challenging and unexpected circumstances the journey will present to you.

“You have to be confident as any doubt greatly diminishes your ability to succeed. Your physical life is your launching pad. You willingly enlist and have then to follow the orders of the Control Tower that is able to track your progress toward your spatial destination and to provide youwith minute course corrections.

“It would be very shortsighted, presumptuous, and foolish to think that you can make it alone to the final destination. Without the input of your Divine Compass, you would quickly get lost and disoriented.

“Patience is, therefore, another requirement for the success of the mission. A Treasure Hunt requires that you identify precious clues and follow them to the letter.

“Ask your inner Control Tower—the Divine Fragment that resides within you—to assist you every step of the way. He is the One dropping the white pebbles along your way. These pebbles may be mixed among many others of various shades and, if your eyesight is not practiced, you may miss the clues and wander off in the wrong direction.

“Look back at your life and identify which pebbles served you well and which ones confused you. Learn from these past experiences so that you can hone your explorative skills and progress on a straighter course and at a faster pace. Your life is filled with suspense. Learn to appreciate what each moment has to offer. Feel the excitement that is born of your accomplishments. Do not quit before crossing the finish line!”

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