The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The longings of your heart show you the way. Have you ever looked at it that way? A sincere yearning to experience the fullness of love—the joint and blissful expression of truth, beauty, and goodness—is what the Father encrypted in your being to inspire you to pursue the eternal quest that brings you ever closer to commune with his essence. 

He IS unconditional love; he outsources absolute truth and unadulterated goodness; he is the Architect of the beautiful! His heartfelt aspiration is that each of you metamorphoses into a micro-expression of himself—a living reflector! 

His loving magnetism pulls you back to himself as you increasingly align and good-willingly cooperate with his ever-unfolding and wisely premeditated vision. A special spot is exclusively allocated to YOU in his boundless heart where you fit snugly. 

Never doubt that your longings match his. They are the poles of attraction that take you back Home during your lengthy educational journey through time and space toward infinity and eternity where you will experience the happiest of ever after—merged in the timeless Now of his omnipresence.”

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