The Inner Sherpa



“The less of love in any creature’s nature, the greater the love need, and the more does divine love seek to satisfy such need.” [UB 1739:06]

Thought Adjuster: “You are pondering the relationship that has been developing between us since you declared your intentions many years ago to willingly initiate and cultivate it. You have been faithful to that commitment and, even though each shift in our relationship may have been imperceptible at first, it has grown daily and you can sense it, even though you cannot explain it. Experience is at times difficult to articulate—especially when it occurs on the inner.

“The development of your listening skills is essential to the relational process between us. I—your Divine Fragment—am privy to your thinking. My primary function is to monitor it in order to find windows of opportunity to adjust and redirect it toward higher forms of thinking that greatly contribute to the expansion of your eternal soul. Thought Adjusters have to demonstrate much patience and resourcefulness in order to guide their human hosts in spite of their resistance, erroneous beliefs and misguided decisions. This is Our divine assignment and We intend to succeed.

“Once we got the attention and the willingness of our human host, the process of conscious collaboration is initiated and it is a huge step in the right direction as, rather than being recalcitrant, their soul is receptive, more docile and trusting.

“It takes dedication from your part to practice the Stillness daily but it will unfailingly bear fruit. By spending time in the Stillness, you hone your listening skills and you learn to discern between your own mental chatter and the mental input of My Still Small Voice. By listening to it, you allow Me to speak My Mind and this is how I can infuse your thinking with meaningful personal revelations.

“Our relationship implies mutual interest and mutual respect. It morphs into a time tested eternal friendship and you have My eternal promise that I will never betray your confidence and your trust. We are meant for a glorious partnership and My heart sings when you express to Me your own heart longings as Love is what grows out of our more and more frequent heart to heart encounters.”

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