The Inner Sherpa



Monjoronson: “Dear child, Love has a weakness for love. It is its Achilles tendon. Whenever a heart opens to send out loving intention to another heart or to a situation, it triggers a response, a love reflex. It is the primordial Law of Attraction. Love attracts Love and they enter a joyful dance, a marvelous interaction which also initiates new levels of co-creation.

“The purpose of your material existence is to find that soft spot within yourself. It is enclosed in the protective shield of your heart as love is fragile. Your physical heart is protected by your rib cage as it is a precious vital organ. The Father protects what is fragile so that it can grow unhindered in a type of nursery.

“As life strengthens your resilience to its turbulences, you are learning to let your heart shield down and to share yourself with others. You understand that the rewards of taking such a risk are worthwhile and that not taking a risk is detrimental to your development and your better being.

“The risk takers are the explorers, the pathfinders and the first wave which sets precedents for others to follow. It demands courage and the Father has also implanted in His children an access to Courage, with a “C” through the spiritual influence of His Adjutant Mind Spirit of Courage. In the sharing of Himself, the Father is truly sharing with His ascending creation the means of becoming perfect as He is. Such a type of perfection is beyond your human comprehension at this time.

“Yet, what matters is that you faithfully follow your life path as it is revealed to you. You are on a journey toward the Eternity of Paradise and each moment brings you closer to your destination, even though it may appear that you are standing still. Time is your ally, not your enemy. Time is essential to a harmonious growth process. Nature has to take its natural course.

Do not try to speed up growth as it has to occur on solid foundations. “

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