Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the thought just came to your mind that there is no such thing as Love if it is not shared. Ponder this for a moment. The Father shared of Himself through the creative process. He shared His Love, infusing All that Is with It. Love is God’s trademark. It is always manifested in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. True Love is beautiful and stirs very deep emotions in the receiver as well. There is no such thing as fake love as Love measures to the highest standards of Truth. Only true Love hits the mark of another beings’ heart.
“Each being has been endowed with its own truth detector that also serves as a love detector as you cannot separate these fundamental creative values from one another. True Love is never a one-way ticket; it is a round trip ticket as it never fails to trigger a loving response. Love is what keeps the universes turning. It is a powerful driving force.
“The more you become able to express a pure form of Love, the more you live your life “in the flow” as Love connects all the individual dots. It is like a river that envelops whatever is in its path and transforms it by saturating it. Allow your heart to become love saturated as it is the only way to activate it; the overflow will unfailingly be outpoured to touch other hearts. Love is an irresistible heart softener. Some hearts may resist at first but will eventually surrender to the overwhelming transformative power that Love is.
“Learn to be consistent in your love as Love is not moody. Love is a safe harbor and as you come to embody such a comforting love, others will turn to you to feed on your love. Eventually, their own hearts will be expanded and they too will express such a wonderful Love Substance. One heart after another will stop resisting and will bloom as the beautiful and fragrant flower that it is. Sweetness will sweep the world once the floods of love will have moved through the planet!”