The Inner Sherpa



Jesus: “Dear child, Truth is a mental guideline for making wise and informed decisions. The quest for Truth is individual as all individuals living on the planet have to be genuinely looking for answers to the various question marks constantly popping in their mind.

“My Spirit of Truth is guiding you in that direction but is not enough by Itself to transform your world. Truth as to be put into action as only actions can tangibly transform your reality—both external and internal.

“My Truth is a loving Truth—not a purely intellectual one. Intellectual perceptions of truth or of untruth can fool the mind into feeling righteous and entitled. Yet, your mind is only a memory bank of information for you to process and utilize in order to serve both your highest good and the planetary highest good as they cannot be divorced from one another; they are a package deal.

“Making love infused decisions and following through with your actions is the only way to manifest a love infused reality. Whenever the element of Love is absent, your emotional surroundings are greatly sterile and not conducive to joy and happiness. Happiness comes from the heart—not from the mind.

“The mind belongs to the pre-reality. It is where ideas are ‘conceived’—some of those will never see the light of day if they are merely stowed away in the recesses of your mind. Ideas have to be ‘real-ized,’ i.e. actualized. Just looking at a map will not magically bring you to your destination.

“However, whenever you courageously make the decision to implement your best ideas, they will be manifested in your reality and upgrade it. My Spirit of Truth is your reference manual but It does not only speak to your mind. It whispers to your heart and reveals to you far more than just intellectual pleasantries. It teaches you how to sink in your precious heart in order to put the Golden Rule into action at all levels of your life. The Truth I shared while on earth was all about Love: “Love thy neighbor, love yourself, love the Father in Heaven.”

“Love is the only driving force that can change the planetary chemistry. Practice it daily, moment by moment, so that, at the end of each day, you can proudly behold the master piece in progress that your life has been meant to be—your loving legacy to the world but also to the edification of your Higher Self.”

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