The Inner Sherpa



“The happy and effective person is motivated, not by fear of wrongdoing, but by love of right doing.” [UB1572:06]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us look at spiritual evolution in light of the above statement. Fear has been the first building block of religion. In that sense, it was a step in the right direction even though it was dictated by many irrational factors. By its very nature, fear is irrational as it triggers a brain freeze and the individual is taken ‘hostage’ by such a debilitating emotion and looses the capacity to think clearly in such intense moments.

“For many generations, your ancestors were naturally fearful. They lived in very hostile and mysterious environments and were not privy to the logical explanations brought over many millennia by scientific revelations. Their lives were filled with traumatizing unknowns, the cause of which they interpreted as wrathful rather than benevolent. This is the reason why, to this day, the fear of the unknown is still so prevalent and can give rise to many illogical and superstitious interpretations and behaviors.

“The fear of wrongdoings is what dictated so many religious taboos, followed later by interdictions, i.e. commandments expressed in negatives: “Thou shall not” do this or that. The adherence to these basic commandments was meant to duck the divine wrath as God Himself was feared. Children who are fearful of their parents may be submissive but do not thrive emotionally.

“Jesus incarnated on the planet bearing Good News. He made it very clear that God is loving, close and personal. In this sense, Jesus was a revolutionary as He introduced a totally new version of religious attitude. He promoted positive reinforcement rather than emotional blackmail. He formulated a positive Rule of Conduct—the Golden Rule. It could not be otherwise as God never resorts to coercion but to the irresistible power of attraction of Love rather than to the force of dissuasion of fear.

“Such a shift in spiritual understanding is the first step toward happiness and efficiency. Scrutinize your motivations and learn to deactivate all fear triggers as what you do out of fear or out of a mere sense of duty does not raise your vibrations and greatly depreciate the value of your actions. Focus on your heart and teach it to remain open so that it can be love driven. Only Love can paint your actions in bright and happy colors, put a smile on your face and beautify the planetary landscape.”

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