Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, let us reflect on your five physical senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. In some way, they make you a five-dimensional being even though they only relate to your physical surroundings. They, however, demonstrate that you are able to relate to five different dimensions. They have been meant to orientate you while you live in this material world. Sometimes, due to some handicaps of time, some of you are deprived of one or more of your senses, thus making their life more challenging. And yet, due to the immense human resilience, they are able to live productive lives if they do not espouse the victim mentality.
“Indeed, to be a victim is a choice—a mental attitude. Attitudes can be altered and therein lays your power. You have AT ALL TIMES—even though it may seem to be contradicted by your life circumstances—the free will choice to decide not to be debilitated by your life challenges—but rather to be positively impacted by them. You can perceive them as insurmountable obstacles or you can view them as God-sent opportunities to raise the bar of your achievements. Which one is it going to be?
“If you were never challenged, you would fail to come in touch with your amazing eternal potentials and you would live very mediocre lives. Whenever you review your life experiences, which ones stand out? The answer is pretty obvious: the ones that were out of the ordinary--extra-ordinary.
“A boring life experience is not worth being recalled as nobody would benefit from it and it would not catch anyone’s interest. Only what is “interesting” can catch the attention. This is the reason why you should rejoice whenever life is becoming more adventurous as each life has been meant to be shared with others as an original page-turning edition—no book of life alike.
“Strive to find your originality and to express it; learn to recognize those unique traits in other as it is truly what makes the life experience worth living. The more experiences you gather and your share with one another, the richer the content of your inner world becomes. If you live life with awareness, you can truly become an agent of change in this world—at all levels: you will keep evolving toward the blooming of your own potentials and you will also exert a positive and beautifying influence on your surroundings. No more stagnation, no more boredom, no more depression. You will be too busy and too passionate to ever fall asleep again.”