The Inner Sherpa



“Love is the ancestor of all spiritual goodness, the essence of the true and the beautiful.” [UB 2947:05]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us ponder the above quote. It is short and yet very weighty in content. Indeed, Truth does not require lengthy dissertations. Through their directness, a few pointed words can have more impact than a discourse that could inappropriately dilute their content.

“Without Love there is no Goodness. Love is the element that makes a mighty difference in the impact of your actions. Many do what they consider as ‘right’ out of a sense of duty. This implies that they are not truly exercising the power of their ‘free’ will, as duty involves a sense of inner coercion: You feel ‘obligated’ to do something because you think it is the ‘right thing to do.’

“Yet, if you performed that very same actions out of Love—out of the ‘goodness of your heart—their repercussions would be entirely different even though, at first glance, their results may appear similar. Physical acts take place on the physical plane and are subjected to the universal Law of Cause and Effect. Yet, this Law also pertains to the invisible emotional realm that is an integral part of your life experience.

“Unconditional love sits at the top of the emotional ladder. You have the liberty to pick—knowingly or unknowingly—the emotions you attach to your actions. They can range from total emotional indifference to unconditional Love.

“Do you feel cherished and appreciated when someone comes to your rescue out of a sense of duty rather than being motivated by Love? Or does it make you feel like being a resented imposition on that person’s life?

“The emotions that motivate you to act are therefore determining the way you color your actions. Love was at the onset of the Divine Creative Process. This is the reason why your heart is deeply moved by the harmony of your environment. Such a beauty gives rise in you to feelings of Gratitude—streaming from your open heart.

“Any love-devoid action fails to do so. Rather, it makes you feel ‘indebted,’ which is another form of emotional bondage. Love is the ingredient essential to the manifestation of Goodness and Beauty. It is what differentiates you from an automaton who acts without compassion and empathy.

“Strive to infuse with Love everything you do—at a small or large scale. This is what it means to be ‘Godlike’ as the Father cannot but instill Love in all His creative endeavors. Love is what lends vibrancy to the universe. The lack thereof is manifested in discordance and disharmony. This is the reason why you have to start with loving yourself, thus activating all the cells of your being to be Love in Action—to be of greater service. Wouldn’t it be the most productive habit you could ever develop?

“Put it to the test and see how it will positively affect your outlook on life as well as the impact you have on your surroundings. Love is a powerful catalyst and activator. It is irresistible and by unleashing its awesome power, you will unfailingly become an agent of positive change on a world in dire need of being reconnected with its ancestor—Love.”

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