The Inner Sherpa



“Be not deceived by the tempting rewards of dishonest achievement; be willing to toil for the later returns inherent in honest endeavor.” [1779:03]

Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that when things do not work out as anticipated and consequently manifest themselves as ‘miscreations’ –missed creations—it is then time to go back to the drawing board in order to devise new strategies to reach the desired outcome.

“Again, do not look at this as a setback; it is actually a step in the right direction to recognize that you were straying off course. Stopping in your misguided tracks requires will power as you will have to stop the momentum that was propelling you forward. Once you reach that point of inertia, it is a great opportunity to go within and regroup, just like an escapee would after the first adrenalin rush subsides in order to catch his breath.

“The planet is in need of a standstill in the many areas that are malfunctioning due to faulty plans. It is so visible that it is undeniable. Relationships are failing apart at all levels—family, society, worldwide—whenever they are not powered by Love, Compassion and Empathy. This is also reflected in all areas of life—political, commercial, financial, etc. This is due to the fact that those who lobby for votes in their favor by making deceitful promises have fallen prey to the temptation of rewards of dishonest achievements, thus cutting off the healthy circulatory flow they were sworn in to promote. It is a felony to betray the public trust as it has far reaching adverse consequences on the promotion of the highest good.

“Dear ones, looking at all the nefarious consequences of corruption, it is primordial that you are very watchful of your motivations whenever you make a decision. It is easy to fool others, including you, if you fail to be brutally honest with yourself. Honest introspection is what keeps you in alignment with Truth and Integrity. Those are very high values; they are priceless. Do not trade them for temporary material gratifications as you would definitely be at the losing end of the deal. Why sell out to the highest bidder for short lived material or sensory rewards while you could keep accumulating brownie points that do not have any expiration date? This is how Lucifer deceived so many eons ago. Isn’t it high time to draw precious lessons from this type of misguided and misguiding behavior? Good fruit will never be birthed from the poisonous tree.”

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