Question: “Jesus said that when two or more are gathered in His name, He will be among them. What about just one? Why did He differentiate? Please help me understand that. Thank you.”
Christ Michael: “Dear child, thank you for your question. The fact is that when two or more are gathered in My name, it will invite my presence among them. And it is not exclusive of the fact that when you call upon me, I’ll be there for you. What it means is that, when a group’s Intention is to include my Spirit of Truth in their deliberations and objectives, I will be there to guide them in the right direction, to provide them with insights for which they are asking in order to be empowered — divinely empowered as a group. In the New Era, many groups will get together at different levels, looking for solution to world dysfunctions; My Spirit and the assistance of many celestials will be provided to them upon their request.
“As an individual, on a private and personal level, I am approachable to you as your Father-Brother-Friend. I rejoice in each individual connection. So when you call upon my name, I will answer as I do right now, dear child. I respond to your genuine longing of the heart and I will spend time with you and get to know you better based on what you are expressing to me. I will also reveal more about Myself to you as our interaction will bring up new facets in our relationship. So, keep coming into the Stillness to spend time with me and with Nebadonia, and we will join you there.
“Our love is with you and your siblings. Have a blessed day!”
Edited by Linda Abell.