Oregon, USA, December 2, 2020
Thought Adjuster
Subject: “Quench the Fires of Resentment Instead of Gaslighting”
Message received by Anyas
“The forgiveness of Jesus is not condonation; it is salvation from condemnation. Salvation does not slight wrongs; itmakes them right.True love does not compromise nor condone hate; it destroys it. The love of Jesus is never satisfied with mere forgiveness. The Master’s love implies rehabilitation, eternal survival. It is altogether proper to speak of salvation as redemption if you mean this eternal rehabilitation.” [UB 188:5:2]
Thought Adjuster: “Because of the conflicted emotions entertained by immature human beings, the workings of forgiveness are quite elusive to most. How can you upgrade your half-hearted pardons to match the full measure of divine forgiveness, as superbly exemplified by the Son of God in his human form?
Due to their iniquitous, self-centered, and rebellious nature, sinners at high risk to become sociopaths unencumbered by fear, anxiety, stress, depression, remorse, guilt, and caring. Their cold-heartedness leads them to deal all sorts of crippling blows to those they prey upon—of a physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual nature. Some damage can be permanent. How does the innocent victim respond to such mistreatment?
Jesus endured physical and emotional abuse. His dignified silence was his nonverbal answer to the mockery and humiliation dished out by his tormentors—his symbolic turning of the other cheek. He heroically gathered his dwindling energies to intercede on their behalf. Not a single word of righteous anger or revenge crossed his parched lips.
How do you live up to his legacy of radical forgiveness? It will happen over time for most of you as you learn to adequately process the hostile emotions triggered by the abuse you suffered. Can you move from anger to empathy? Or even better, can you skip the angry phase to operate from a platform of forgiveness and compassion?
It would have been irreconcilable with the saving grace of his loving ministry if Jesus had 'damned' those he specifically came to save. Instead, he role-modeled the better ways of using abuse as a launching pad toward self-mastery.
Yours is not to judge others, as you lack crucial elements to do it fairly. Your imperfect nature should make you compassionate toward your planetary siblings, as you all suffer from the same affliction in various measures. In his godlikeness, Jesus was a good judge of characters. However, he did not use his insights to gaslight others. Instead, he appealed to their good propensities, encouraging them no to squander their shining potentials.”