The Inner Sherpa



“Will is that manifestation of the human mind which enables the subjective consciousness to express itself objectively and to experience the phenomenon of aspiring to be Godlike.” [UB 130:2:10]

Thought Adjuster: “You are somewhat puzzled by the above statement and asked Me to elaborate on it. I am happy to do so, as these remarkable facts need to be brought to the light of the human mind.

Humans and animals notably differ at their operative levels: Unlike animals, human are self-aware imaginative beings who were created to co-create, thus contributing to the evolution of their civilization. In contrast, animal makes purely instinctive decisions. Both species are receptive to the influence of the first 5 Adjutant Mind Spirits—Intuition, Understanding, Courage, Knowledge, and Counsel. Only the human creature is under the additional guidance of the Spirits of Wisdom and Worship.

It divulges the fact that your life purpose greatly differs from the one of the animal kingdoms. How so? There is no other way to find out than to connect the dots. How do the Spirits of Wisdom and Worship influence you?

They appeal to your spiritual self, taking you out of your small limited material self to reveal the vast cosmic playfield of co-creativeness in Godlikeness. As the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way”—a practical one that enables the ‘objective’ manifestation—the materialization—of your heartfelt desires in your time zone and experiential plane.

The process begins when your subjective consciousness performs the ACT of Will that serves as a metaphorical trampoline toward the visible ‘expression’ of your invisible ideas—thus ‘objectifying’ them for all to see.

Those are the mechanics that support creative or co-creative processes. Take the time to investigate further to become inspired co-creators of your reality, instead of unaware and ill-advised spur-of-the-moments contributors.”

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