The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk today about the inner battles that are taking place within each free will creatures. They may appear as conflicts but are taking place due to the Free Will Factor. Wherever there is free will, there is the possibility of choice.

“In still immature human beings, those choices do not always come without inner struggles between the desire to receive easy and instant gratification of the physical senses and the desire to do the Divine Will, a desire that pertains to more than the physical realms. It pertains to the individual spiritual growth as it is meant to bring the creature in alignment with its “true” self—its Higher Self.

“A multitude of choices are being made instant by instant. Each choice has consequences. Each cause has an effect. This is part of the way the universes operate. Each free-will creature is a co-creator as well. Sadly, many co-creations are generated “thoughtlessly” and, because of that fact, they are not in alignment with the divine Great Plan. Instead of promoting it, they delay it. Instead of creating Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, they generate serious problems and an environment that is far from being ideal.

“Dear ones, as you go through you days, take the time to ponder the consequences of your decisions—the long term consequences. The co-creative ripple effect is of eternal magnitude. Short lived consequences are actually dead-ends. Your misguided decisions may seem to take you farther along your personal journey, but you will eventually realize that they are not leading anywhere. You will then have to retrace your steps and search with more diligence for the hidden fork in the road that you failed to identify on your first run.

Even though you may think that such experiences are setbacks, the Father in His Wisdom has also impregnated them with powerful experiential lessons from which you can extract Wisdom. If it makes you wiser, it is valuable. You learn both from your failures and from your successes. What matters is your attitude. Therein is another choice you have to make. Will you feel victimized by your errors? Or will you feel empowered by them? Same situation—different perception and different outcome.

“Extract the best—not the worst—from your life experiences. Express gratitude at all times for the continued Divine Guidance. Your life won’t fail to be metamorphosed for the better. Remember that each caterpillar is meant to become a splendid butterfly—with time and perseverance.”

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