The Inner Sherpa



Oregon, US of A, October 5, 2016

“You are destined to live a narrow and mean life if you love only those who love you.” [UB 1739:06]

Thought Adjuster: “True Love is unconditional. This powerful statement seems very unrealistic and unattainable to most. Yet, such is not the case as all human beings have been indiscriminately blessed with qualities that render them loveable and dear to the Heart of their Creator.

“Obviously, the majority of human hearts have not developed yet the capacity to express such an unconditional Love and human love has become in many cases a commodity with which to conduct emotional barter—even emotional blackmail at times. “If you don’t meet my expectations, I will stop loving you.” Whenever preceded by a ‘IF’, Love loses its unconditional quality and is downgraded to the imperfect version of human love.

“Love is primarily a gift—i.e. it has to be initiated by the Giver. It is Love in Action—not Love in Reaction. Human lives are fraught with challenging situations as the practice of hate is still wide spread on this planet—an eye for an eye, revenge and retaliation have been perceived as justified responses to unloving behaviors. Yet, it is very obvious that they contribute to more emotional instability and chaos as hate further shrivels the heart and can never be the answer. Love always is.

“From this perspective, it is of utmost importance to tame your heart and teach it to generously disburse Love with a capital ‘L’—unconditional Love. It will not happen overnight but will happen over time if you engrave this high personal intention in your heart and, whenever faced with a challenging relationship, learn to ‘feel out of the box’, to come up with new loving ways to respond to confrontational behaviors.

“The Father makes allowances for the immaturity and shortcomings of His still imperfect creatures. He loves them unconditionally knowing that someday, His Love will bear fruit and that they will eventually become able to reciprocate in kind and to exhibit the same type of Love toward themselves and others.

“As you learn not to slam your heart shut toward those you do not find lovable, keep in mind that the Father never withdraws His Love from you and loves you, in spite of yourself, and that you are meant to become a conduit for His Love—not a dead-end.

“Life does not deal the same deck of cards to everyone. Some are born in families or environments that do not provide this initial cocoon of Love. They grow up in the school of hard knocks and, due to their lack of exposure to Love, they are not equipped to treat others lovingly. They are love-starved and it is never too late for such hearts to be quickened by Love.

“Your heart has an infinite holding capacity. Challenge yourself to express Love to the ones you find ‘hard to love.’ Look for the silver lining in their character. Compassion and forgiveness are great starting points. Jesus learned to love those He encountered by taking the time to get to know them on a one to one basis. He made them feel ‘lovable;’ He did not drive them away by judging them harshly, but strove to understand their life predicaments in order to activate the spiritual seeds dormant in their being. Why not give Love a try by emulating His behavior?”

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