The Inner Sherpa



“Some men’s lives are too great and noble to descend to the low level of being merely successful.” [UB 2096:08]

Thought Adjuster: “As you are nearing the end of yet another year, many among you wisely take the time to evaluate how they fared through the year now coming to an end. This is indeed a wonderful initiative as it ensures that—should you have strayed from your intended course—you will be able to regroup and make the necessary course corrections.

“On the other hand, should you have successfully implemented last year’s resolutions, you will recognize the steady progress made in your personal evolution—the ascension of your being toward higher understandings and better ways of living your very complex life. All you need to do is to maintain your momentum.

“May I suggest that you go even further in the setting of intentions for the coming year? You well know of the power of synergy—of exponentially unleashing more power for the manifestation of a positive reality by adding more elements to the mix. I am talking here about the setting of Group Intentions.

“What if you joined in a group of kindred souls working on similar personal intentions? What if you checked-in regularly with its dedicated members as to your adherence to its group intentions?

“Just as their weekly attendance to AA meetings, as well as being connected to a personal sponsor, help recovering alcoholics to maintain sobriety, your enrollment in a support group pertaining to areas of your life under construction would help strengthen your inner resolve and hone your skills. The regular and mandatory check-ins help each member to stick to their long term resolutions and eventually reach their common objective.

“As you pinpoint your personal objectives for the coming year, pray to be guided to kindred souls so that you can work together on your common intentions by having each other’s back. This will create a valuable safety net in your life. This is what a ‘support group’ is all about. Keep in mind as well that you have loving celestial beings willing to be your ‘support team’ and ‘cheerleaders’—your Divine Fragment, Angels and Guides.

“What one individual has difficulty manifesting solo, a group can effectively achieve by the pooling together of their strengths. It can ‘move mountains.’ Many such mountains have to be moved in order to bring your inner and outer realities to states of ever greater harmony. Many workers are needed. Rather than being an isolated part, how much more could you achieve by fitting your little part in the much greater organism it has been created for?”

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