The Inner Sherpa



"Love is the desire to do good to others.” [UB 648:04]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Love. There are two significant words in the above statement: Love is the desire to do good to others. Love is felt—not thought. It takes time for many of you to acquire such a frame of heart and there is nothing wrong with starting that process from the right frame of mind. What do I mean by that?

“Intentions are at the root of any creation or miscreation. Love creates—never miscreates. It is the primal universal Force through which the Father’s ‘desire’ to ‘do good’ is put into action. Forever has the Father been acting upon His loving desires and intentions. In Him, Love is replete; it infuses His whole being—His imagination, thoughts, feelings and actions.

“Treat others as you want to be treated” was Jesus’ exhortation during His life in the flesh. He had to make Love approachable to many by articulating the Golden Rule. We all know how we want to be treated. It involves Love and Respect. Yet, it is hard for many to selflessly apply such a rule of thumb to their dealings with others. The Golden Rule helps bridge that gap in understanding. It is a conscious practice at first, until it finally becomes ‘natural.’

“How does it make you feel when others do good to you? It triggers reflexive responses of gratitude and inner joy. Indeed, just as your knee reflexively jerks when tapped, your love muscles are also ‘jerked’ by loving behaviors.

“Dear ones, follow your desire to do good to others. It will unlock the door to your heart chamber and it will quicken your whole being. Doing good—not just wishing good—is the real nature of Love—Love in Action. The more good you do, the more you come to embody Love and to exude it from your entire being. Isn’t it a wonderful state of being? Isn’t it a warranty that your life is well lived?

“The Golden Rule will only remain a rule as long as you are not entirely coming from a place of Love. Eventually, the day will come when you no longer will need this scaffolding, as your heart will have been rehabilitated to its optimal capacity of loving. Love will then rule supreme on its own merits.”

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