The Inner Sherpa



“Do you not realize that the hope of a better nation—or a better world—is bound up in the progress and enlightenment of the individual?” [UB 1630:04]

Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that you are backpacking through this physical reality toward a destination that lays way beyond your current vision field and down-to-earth reality?

“What is in your backpack? Is it packed with the bare essentials constituting an effective survival kit or have you stuffed it with the cumbersome dead weight of useless luxury items that are hampering your progression and do not meet any real needs? Why would you deem them as worthy to be painstakingly hauled on your back along the steep cosmic ascension climb?

“Those who engage on treacherous trails carry the bare minimum—and yet everything needed for a safe journey. Along the way, they may come to realize that some of the items they transport burdensome but expendable; they make the informed decision to part from them in order to lighten their footsteps, thus getting a second wind and gaining the reassurance that they will successfully reach their next destination point.

“Check the content of your spiritual backpack. Any items it contains should meet your immediate needs and make you sustainable. Anything else has to discarded as unhealthy attachments, detrimental to the success of your mission.

“Fill your backpack with Values—not with valuables. They are the food rations of your soul and should definitely be part of your eternal survival kit. Take with you all the gems of wisdom and truth that you have gathered so far as Wisdom and Truth are the most reliable guides. Pack in it all the Love of your heart as it will fuel your progression. Discard grudges, resentment and their likes as this type of memorabilia does not belong in the photo album of your life and considerably weight you down. Instead, pack all your good memories; they are feather light and you can share them with your fellow travelers when you relax around the camp fire.

“Once your backpack has been thus reorganized, you will get a bounce in your steps and your heart will hum happy tunes. Isn’t it the life journey you envisioned? Do travel light and do travel smart.”

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