The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Children of the Earth, you are beings of light. Take the time to ponder this statement that may come as surprising to many or as an overstatement. Yet, such is not the case. You were conceived as Light Beings and your ethereal body is a garment of light.

Over a multitude of generations, this memory of light has faded and, indeed, many lights were placed under ‘bushels’ to the point that they lost their vibrancy and self-awareness. Due to the subtle deprogramming of the Lucifer Rebellion, mankind was cleverly brain-washed to refute its bright origins. Your spiritual wings were clipped and, at the same time, you lost sight of your eternal destination. You were told it was utopia. You were told you were earthlings meant to crawl on the surface of the earth.

Ironically, as you were seduced into severing your ties with your divine family of origin by promises of unbridled personal freedom, you developed amnesia as to your true essence and fell hostages to many artificial addictions—the immediate gratificationof your physical senses at the expense of the satisfaction your spiritual appetite.

Dear ones, you are beings of Light. The Forces of Darkness have lied to you for a long time and such lies have disabled many of your amazing potentials. Learn to reconnect with your Inner Pilot Light and to amplify it by conscious living. Envision a bright future! Use your fertile imagination for constructive purposes! Stop competing against each other. Rather collaborate! Put your heads together to find solutions to the critical problems your world is facing. Open your hearts to the leadings of Spirit!

Light generates hope, while darkness breeds fears. Become the much-needed beacons of hope that glow in the dark and dispel the darkness—one shining act of kindness at a time.”

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