Teacher: “Dear child, you have been conditioning your mind for higher input. You sent out your invitation and here we are like the wise men bearing precious gifts. The gifts they brought to the newborn Jesus were expensive incenses meant to acknowledge the divine status of the Son of Man.
“As you ask to receive divine input, you too are recognizing within yourself the fact that you are of divine origin and that consequently you need to allow into your mind, heart, and soul nutrients fit for Divinity—the delicacies of Truth, Beauty, Goodness.
“We cater to your spirit by providing the spiritual food that you need at this stage of your inner growth. We monitor your life and your needs as well and we strive to provide excellence in delivering to you the best organic spiritual sustenance.
“What matters is that you keep an open mind and an open heart as we both sustain you in mind and heart. Your mind is meant to become the humble servant of your heart—to serve Love and its higher expressions.
“Many human beings are more mind-driven than heart-driven and we are here to help reverse such a trend so that the impulses of a loving heart can help readjust the mind. We will use any access door that is open to us—whether it is the back door of your open mind or the front door of your open heart. They are connected and we will take advantage of that connection to positively impact your emerging Higher Self.
“You do not need to understand what is taking place. Yours is to faithfully surrender to the process. Patients are frequently asleep during surgical interventions after authorizing them. Nevertheless, when they awaken, they realize that the surgery took place. Trust that the Father knows when you should be awake and when you should be unconscious. What matters is that there is some level of divine intervention taking place to enable you to self-improve. Your willingness and collaboration make all the difference in the world—including your inner world.”