The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, your mind is a receiver. Do you realize that you have the power to select the stations you are tuning in? Too frequently, human beings allow life events to switch the station they are mentally connected to. Your thinking should not be a mere reflex and response to whatever life throws at you. Certain events are obstacles intended to be stepping stones. They are meant to elevate your thinking, not to enslave it.

“It is so important that you be at all times aware of the type of spiritual wave lengths you are connected to. If you recognize that you are somehow stuck in a zone of low and energetically draining thinking, you can --through the power of your will--, make the decision to change the station you are listening to.

“Sometimes, in group interactions, others may set the station to inferior vibrations. Just as you would change a station whenever its streaming is unpleasant to your ears, you should exert your authority to change your mental station. There are so many streams of thoughts floating in the atmosphere. You can train your mind to be used as a powerful antenna that can pierce through the numbing chatter of many unconscious minds.

“Once you live consciously, you are truly coming into your own as you cease to be affected by the whims of others. You can choose to turn your mental receiver toward higher satellites so that you can receive higher teachings and guidance. This is as simple as that. Which type of guru would you select? Someone who is mentally unbalanced and controls you in an unhealthy way? Or someone who has gained mastery over his emotions and can teach you how to achieve the same mastery? The answer is obvious. Teachers have to be selected wisely. They have to be qualified by having mastered the lessons that they teach. Their own mastery bears testimony to the integrity of the lesson.

“This is why it is so important to be a Teacher, not a Preacher. The words of a preacher can get lost in the wind as they are not grounded by their manifestation through actions. A Teacher embodies its teachings. Jesus demonstrated every single part of His teachings by walking the walk.

“Whenever you are going through difficulties and challenges, remember that you are walking the walk and that this walk will take you to higher grounds. Go with the flow and the flow will help you move through seemingly overwhelming situations. The Flow has a power of its own. If you resist it, you cannot move forward. If you embrace it, you will gain speed toward your intended destination. Do not allow your life to morph in an accident site where you become a helpless victim. Your life can be an obstacle course which pushes you beyond your limits and helps you in your metamorphosis from human to divine.”

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