The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear one, as you long to expand your own experiential relationship with the Divine, you also intend to share the knowledge with others--the hard-earned knowledge. This is what your Master Jesus did as he walked this earth. This is one of the main motivations behind His incarnation in human form. How could He be the way to the Father if He had not come down to walk the way Himself, to demonstrate that the way He opened is truly leading to the Father and is a launching pad to higher realms of realization?

“The day consists of many minute moments- seconds, nanoseconds – yet each one of these tiny moments in time is leading you forward; each one contains within itself growth opportunities. The sun shines on the soil covering the buried seeds, warming them up and nudging them to burst their protective shell in order to break through the ground and discover another dimension of their being.

“The same goes for human beings. They first grow within the protective shield of their mother’s womb. They then emerge from the womb at birth and start discovering a brand new unsuspected environment in which they keep growing and developing in their carnal envelope.

“Then, comes the time of discarding that temporal envelope and of moving on to another realm; on and on it goes, until the soul reach its eternal completion and becomes your TRUEST SELF.

“Your divine Guide, your Thought Adjuster, is patiently leading you toward new realizations and epiphanies which help correct your course and fine-tune it toward Paradise. What a patient labor of love it is! Love is patient. Patience and peace go together. If you can maintain peace within your being, you will be patient and become more able to enjoy the essence of each moment, of each nanosecond.

“Why rush when there is so much to experience on the physical plane? Keep asking your Divine Fragment to guide you; surrender to His guidance so that you can lead a rich and meaningful life, growing within yourself and, at the same time, bearing witness to others that there is truly a way to the Divine and to discovering who you truly are. Have a blessed day!”

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