The Inner Sherpa



“You may preach a religion about Jesus, but perforce, you must live the religion of Jesus.” [UB 2091:10]

Teacher Uteah: “Do come into my classroom. I was expecting you. You would like for me to expand on the above quote. Indeed, each time you revisit a gem of wisdom, more wisdom comes to the fore. It is like the polishing process of a diamond in the raw.

“What was the main objective of Jesus’ incarnation on your planet? He came to role model to perfection what a godlike demeanor is about. He was a full-time Teacher, on divine duty 24/7. He exemplified His teachings through His harmonized personality. His words were enlightened and weighty, and His actions never contradicted them. He was fully dedicated to being a fearless pro bono advocate for the Heavenly Kingdom. He was all about “His Father’s business.” Never did He falter, nor make it about Himself.

“During His life in the flesh, He wisely deflected any hint of adulation directed toward Himself. Post mortem, it was no longer within His area of influence, and He became the center of attention He refused to be while alive. It is how the spotlight got inadvertently turned away from His altruistic and always relevant teachings—the practical tools toward personal enlightenment.

“Jesus’ calling was to demonstrate what it takes to live in oneness with Divine Love and Truth. His words intended to dispel the fogginess of human understanding, but His selfless actions spoke louder than any words.

“What makes a great teacher? Is it someone who tackles a topic from a mere intellectual perspective, or someone who exemplifies the do-ability of the subject matter? Outcomes are far more convincing than lip service. They validate or invalidate the authenticity of the spoken word. Jesus’ actions NEVER belied His words. It is one of the most important authentications of His life’s message.

“Such is the ‘lifestyle’ you need to emulate. Own to it with your actions, as words are not enough.”

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