Welcome to My Heart!
The revolving access door to my heart
Is far from being fully operational.
Rust has greedily staked a jealous claim
To the hinges of this subliminal portal.
Whenever I forcefully try to get it unstuck,
Rattling its doorknob, and kicking its panel,
It lets out distraught and heart-wrenching creaks
That prompt me to reach for a can of WD-40
And mercifully lubricate its arthritic joints.
This sorry state of affairs is hard to bear.
It is not what I signed for.
Should I procrastinate any longer
I may become the casualty
Of a long in the making heart attack.
I would rather be hit by a stroke of insight
That would enjoin me on the spot
To drive a state-of-the-art ventilation crack
In the self-erected shield of my claustrophobic heart.
They say that curiosity kills the cat.
Could it also unlock a padlocked door?
I may have to hire some muscle on steroid
To unceremoniously kick open
That recalcitrant much-coveted gateway.
I asked my angels to stand guard by the door
While I knock, and knock, and knock
Covering the peephole with my thumb
So as not to spoil the effect of surprise.
I will lay in wait for as long as it takes,
Wasting no time to plan a housewarming party.
I already traded the discouraging ‘No Trespassing’ sign
For an inviting brand-new doormat
That bluntly states, “Welcome to my heart!”
Anyas Spencer, Medford, Oregon, November 9,2019