The Inner Sherpa



“We gain knowledge from the experience of man, but we derive wisdom from the contemplation of the Most High.” [UB 1443:00]

Thought Adjuster: “In a nutshell, Knowledge is what is validated by the experience of one or more individuals. Indeed, there is a pool of universal knowledge that keeps increasing, as each unique personal experience is added to its archives, so to speak.

Yet, on the personal level, you will only truly KNOW what has been integrated into your being by personal experience. You may intuit many things without experiencing them, as it would be counterproductive to subject yourself to a reenactment of the painful errors that have already been pioneered in other’s lives. Indeed, the errors of mankind, once unmasked, can serve as deterrents and warning bells to help you navigate similar terrain seeded with landmines.

This is where Wisdom comes in. If you failed to learn from the accumulated experiential pool of Wisdom—the Wisdom of the Ages—you would endlessly and hopelessly repeat the same mistakes. The Father in Heaven wants His children to progress—not to stagnate or regress.

Let us take snow as an example. Some of you will have contemplated first-hand the aerial dance of snowflakes. They will have formed snowballs. They will have opened their mouth to even more fully experience the substance of a flake. They will have felt the extreme cold connected with such a phenomenon. They will be able to talk about it, thus sharing their experience with those who do not live in tropical climates. Yet, without a personal on-hand experience, they will never KNOW at the same level.

Yet, Wisdom can be extracted from hearsay. Someone’s recounted experience and shared personal knowledge can serve as deterrents or enticements and help you avoid lengthy detours on your personal quest for higher understanding. Fools are those who do not learn from the pool of experience. Wise men are those who use this accumulated knowledge to make better ‘informed’ decisions and get further on their experiential quest, as they use other’s experiences as their stepping stones.

In some way, you could say that the Adjutant Mind Spirit of Wisdom helps you synthesize the human experience and extract its many teachings, looking at them from the divine bird-eye-view.”

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