The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, our communication is a two way street – a conversation. Not only am I assigned to be your Divine Helper and Fragment, the one holding the secret to your life riddle, but I am also your friend and confident. Friendship is a mutual relationship where both parties are equally invested at the heart level.

“I know how much you wish for Me to come through at every moment of your life, and I too do rejoice when I see your dedication and determination to get to know Me. I have so much to share with you but I am patiently waiting for the right opportunities and many of My teachings occur on a very practical level as practice leads to mastery.

“In your interactions, it is always primordial that active listening takes place so that the intention of your interlocutors can be identified and that their soul has time to truly express its divine essence. Through attentive communication, greater understanding takes place as you allow your interlocutor to go deeper within and feel safe in that process. Once such a comfort zone has been established between two parties, a very meaningful shift takes place in their relationship as they connect on a soul level.

“Such is our relationship, dear One. You do not offer me platitudes and you express yourself honestly from the core of your being, which allows me to respond in kind. I know when I have your full attention and I know when you are distracted or not truly receptive. I only speak when I am assured that my words won’t be lost as all creation occurs through the power of the spoken word. In order to create meaningfully, you have to use your words wisely as they are so powerful. They do ripple immediately in the world through their energetic vibrations.

“It is wise to ponder what you express to others so as not to let loose a herd of wild horses who could run havoc in others’ lives as it is and has been so frequently the case on this planet. Trust that My words to you are always love infused and that My intentions are always focused on your Highest Good as I do not know otherwise. Believe in the Love Presence within and tap into it frequently. You are not alone. We are together in this amazing adventure! I too am looking forward with thrill and excitement toward the unfolding of our connection as we are meant to become one.”

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