The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you consciously engage in your Stillness practice and call upon Me, the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit, you truly activate the Trinity within your being. It is a very powerful activation. You have been asking how to identify more unequivocally the Father’s Will whenever you ask for guidance. This is the best way to do so as you are inviting the input of the greatest spiritual influences --not only involved in your life, but also involved in your conception.

“Jesus, as He qualified to be the Sovereign of the local universe of Nebadon after having been tested at all levels of the existence of His creatures and after walking through these different planes of experience while remaining firmly connected to the Father in Heaven, was able to map a direct path to the Father. He too frequently prayed that the Father’s Will be done. He too was faced with some uncertainty as to what was the right path. He too had to recognize that the Divine Will was not always aligned to the human will. “Father, if this is possible, may this cup be taken away from me. But Your will, not my will be done.”

“The key is right there: You should at all time feel free to come to the Father and to His Divine Associates in order to run by them some of your life conundrums. By expressing them, you are able to put them in a space out of yourself from which you can gain a better perspective. It is important to express – to extract from your being – any emotions, any questions, anything that you would like to confide to your Father. Your Father is the primal intention behind your existence. What was His intention? Isn’t it relevant for an optimal life on earth to know the answer to that question?

“Keep asking until the answers solidify what you may have already intuited. As you age, you already have at your disposal a variety of experiences –of trials and errors—which have been pointing the way to the higher road of your existence. A blind man will initially find his way by hitting many walls and obstacles. Yet, they allow him to become cognoscente of his surroundings and to eventually get a mental map of his surroundings. This map will upgrade his abilities to be independent and safe.

“Do not look at your failures as such. These experiences are precious for others as well. Yours is to share them with humility so as to warn others of danger zones. Your failures can be turned into acts of bravery if you draw wisdom from them-- a precious elixir which can be shared with others facing similar life challenges.

“This is the value of pioneering. Many successes and progresses have been fertilized by the manure of failure. Many souls have been cleansed and brought to their knees by failure. Many rich lessons can be drawn from failure. Failing miserably is in a paradoxical way what equips a soul to emerge triumphant. Triumph only occurs in the midst of adversities.

“Jesus’ life was filled with adversities. The more adversities He had to deal with, the better He could qualify as the Sovereign of His universe. Learn to see challenges as opportunities—growth opportunities. It is truly what they are. They raise the bar of your life achievements if you do not allow them to deter you from trying harder. Those who fail miserably are those who give up in face of adversity. As long as you have your eyes fixed on your eternal destination, you will increasingly improve your capacity of stretching your spiritual wings in order to God-victoriously emerge from whatever darkness needs to be dissolved from your life.”

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