The Inner Sherpa



"It is a matter of time until it is no more. What do I mean by that? Spiritual growth occurs over time and this is the reason why the first leg of your eternal career takes place in a world of time and space—starting with nine gestational months.

“Time is needed for the development of your body, but even more so for the development of your mind, spirit, and soul. You are experiential beings and if you were to remain complacent in your lifestyle, no growth would occur in the finer layers of your being, as growth depends on your experiences and the knowledge and wisdom you draw from them.

“Indeed, two individuals going through similar experiences may or may not grow through them in a similar manner. What does it tell you? It implies that growth also depends on your attitude and perception, as there are indeed two sides to each situation. It all depends on how you look at them.

“Are you in a state of resistance or one of receptivity? Do you resent the experience or do you embrace it knowing that it will pollinate your soul? Look back at your life from this perspective and you will be able to pinpoint moments of growth spurts—those moments when you realized the blessings buried within painful situations.

“Difficulties can bring the best or the worst in you. Keep it in mind as you go through your days. Live with awareness and be grateful for the good that will come out of them. Be grateful for the blessings held in each moment. Indeed, the Father blesses you abundantly—far more than you will ever fathom. Your Thank-You notes will always come short in comparison with your blessings.

“Dear ones, do not conduct a dull life, as it would not leave many colorful memories in its photo album. Rather, take mental snapshots of all the moments that are not flatlining. Those are the moments that fertilize your soul, tone it, and sculpt it. Be assured that the ‘after’ picture will be worth displaying on the Father’s mantelpiece.”

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