The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Alarm Systems. At their onset, the first human beings lived in a world fraught with immediate dangers to their survival. They lived among wild beasts and the mysterious and very unpredictable natural phenomena gave them constant reasons to be on guard.

“As the human evolution progressed, many of the imaginary threats were dissipated by uncovering their logical scientific explanations, thus becoming relegated to the status of false alarms. Intelligent interpretations pointed out the very real ties between cause and effect and humankind ceased to fear some of these events that had them previously run under cover. Indeed, knowledge is empowering and liberating.

“Dear ones, the same applies to your emotional life. How so? As you well know, the emotional world and its complex components are still very hard to decipher for you. There are areas of your emotional life that you strive to understand and this occurs through the reoccurrence of some emotional scenarios. Do they consistently turn into unsettling and painful emotional episodes—emotional ‘rodeos’ where you hang on for dear life, not realizing that your mount is not angry at you but at the tiny emotional bugs that are biting its flesh, causing it to bulk in pain and dismount you, severely bruising your feelings?

“Just as there are elaborate warning systems set in place in the outside world to prevent natural disasters from claiming too many casualties, you too are equipped with inner warning bells. At times, due to their extreme sensitivy, they may erroneously pick up on some random signals, identify them as threats, and go off for no good reason. At such times, it is yours to quickly deactivate and reset your inner alarm system.

“By identifying them as false alarms, your being should be flooded with a grateful sense of relief. How come then that so many of you turn these short-lived false alarms into unnecessary emotional dramas—refusing to acknowledge the absence of real danger and thus geo-engineering very real emotional threats to you and your kin?

“Whenever you encounter such potentially volatile scenarios, quickly regroup to regain your emotional footing, rather than self-generating a danger zone of its own by irrationally feeding your imaginary fears, rather than wisely catering to your inner peace. Use your God-given discernment. In case of real danger, do take protective actions. Otherwise, do not unconsciously shatter your inner peace and the peace of those around you, as such an emotional sabotage will rightfully set off many alarm bells and cause mass hysteria—for no goodreasons.”

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