The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, as you are grounding your body at the beginning of your Stillness time and as you are centering your spirit toward higher realms, you realize that you truly belong to both realms--the physical and the spiritual. You are a spiritual being in a physical form. Your physical form is there to allow you to collect physical life experiences with survival value. What does that mean? It means that if you use your body as a divine instrument, your life experience will be totally different from the one you would have if you only use your body for the satisfaction of its five physical senses.

“Your physical body is your vehicle during your planetary stay. How do you take care of it? Do you respect it and are grateful for the services it constantly renders you? Or do you abuse it and plunder it the same way many of you are abusing and plundering the very planet that is sustaining you? As you can witness from the many critical situations taking place on the planet at this time, such a plundering is not sustainable and the hurt inflicted to your Mother Earth will eventually be reflected in your own life as Mother Earth will eventually become incapacitated in her divine service of feeding and sustaining the generations of souls being born on her.

“Your physical temple depends on its physical nourishment. At the same time, your conscious spiritual connection to the First Source and Center ensures that your spirit will be nurtured so as to fulfill its eternal destiny. A plant is fed through its root system that allows it to receive precious nutrients and minerals from the soil but it also needs the rain and the sunshine. These elements have another source, a complementary one.

“Do not forget that you have to adequately and simultaneously nourish all the systems of your being in order to be a balanced personality. If you over feed your physical body, it will become overweight and not as apt to serve you well in your daily activities. If you under nourish it, it will become weak and disabled. The same applies to your spiritual nourishment; it is just as imperative that it be well balanced in order for you to optimally process the spiritual nutrients that you are taking in. Spiritual malnutrition has to be remedied so that a soul can progress into its intended state of wellness. Any dis-ease has to be eradicated within all the layers of one’s being. Your Divine Fragment is there to guide you and to nudge you with new insights so that you can consciously change your old ways and realign yourself with a vibrant way of overall being. Trust your Spiritual Nutritionist!”

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