The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that the Father’s Love is continually flowing full strength from above. His heart is absolutely unable to shut down and to cut off love from being down poured to His entire creation as the Father IS Love in Action.

“The question to ask yourself is: “How receptive are you to such a Love? How come this love is not acknowledged by so many on your planet? What is preventing this connection from occurring? Obviously, it has to do with the individual receptivity. Whenever it rains outside, the rain will not touch you if you open an umbrella to shield yourself from it. It is what is happening with many human beings. They fail to trust in the goodness of the universe and deploy a protective shield around their hearts that unfortunately prevents them from being touched by the Divine Love.

“Become aware of these moments in your day when your heart flow is being constricted by the clogging effect of lower emotions—fear, resentment, jalousie, guilt, shame… etc. These emotional trespassers trigger the shutdown of your heart. They are like the alarm system of a bank vault that is being triggered by any unidentified trespasser. Such a trigger causes its heavy armored gates to come down and protect the treasures contained within the bank vault.

“Your heart responds in a similar fashion to any perceived threat. However, because of many wrong assumptions about how you interpret your reality, you are sending many false alarms to your heart and it shuts down more frequently than necessary—at your own expense.

“How to remedy to this unfortunate response is to live with greater awareness. Whenever you feel an uncomfortable shift in your emotional state, become aware of it right away instead of allowing it to adversely affect your inner peace. You can then instantly correct your emotional course and it will spare you many undesirable side effects.

“Your physical body forewarns you of an impending cold by initially exhibiting light symptoms such as a scratchy throat or mild shivers; if you are diligent, you can boost your immune system right then and prevent the development of a full-blown cold that may disable you for a few days. Just the same, you can aggressively respond to the first signs of emotional unease by activating your free will power and by selecting healthier and more productive thoughts that are a magnet for healthier feelings. Soon enough, you will witness that you are developing a greater immunity to these emotional viruses and your emotional state will be healthier and more stable, greatly enhancing your quality of life and sparing youmany painful therapies. I AM your Inner Guide and Adviser.”

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