The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Broken Hearts. All of you can relate to what it means to have one’s heart broken—due to your very own personal experience. Indeed, a broken heart is a very real occurrence—not a mental one. A broken heart can be a doorway to connect with the Divine. What do I mean by that?

“Many human hearts are stubbornly surrounding their heart with a hard shell—an impenetrable shield against which bounce back any well-intended efforts to gift it with love and affection. Such hearts have been hardened by the inclement weather of life’s occurrences—instead of being softened.

“This is the reason why Divine Intervention may at first appear very harsh and unloving to many, as the Divine has to crack your heart shell wide open in order to get access to your inner core and build you up from there.

“Do not view your broken heart as a terminal condition. Instead, view it as an open door. Indeed, such a heart is flooded with emotions. It is no longer numb. Yours is to positively redirect these emotions—to lift them up as a precious offering to the Divine, thanking Him for the good that will come out of such trying situations.

“Your broken heart can also become the compassionate intercessor for those suffering from similar grief—their spokesperson for a class action of the broken and open hearts. Dear ones, anything and everything you experience during your earthly life can be put to greater use and by doing so, you are elevating your perspective from your small self to the greater Self of humankind. By doing so, you are also becoming receptive to the Higher Influences that stand by, waiting for you to look up and reach out to them.

“Gratitude is what will heal your broken hearts, as behind every challenge, difficulty, and suffering, there is a lesson, an opportunity for growth and for transcendence—a precious gift.

“The Father never withdraws His Love. Of this, you can be certain. Thank Him for the wise blessings contained within your seemingly crushing challenges and they will be revealed to you and give you the strength to go on and find out for yourself how they contribute to shaping some aspect of your beautiful personality, removing the broken pieces to expand your heart capacity—just as you have to tear down some walls in your home to increase the spaciousness of your living space.”

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