The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, each single personality is an expression of the Divine. It will take all of eternity and more for the Father to express Himself, the richness and the infinity of His being. The Father rejoices at the birth of each one of His children. Each one provides Him with another opportunity to interact with some aspects of Himself. You too are reflecting back to the Father a unique and subtle aspect of His personality.

“The Father is somehow splitting Himself in order to become more self-aware through His creatures. As His creatures learn to connect with one another at a loving and harmonious level, they are putting back together a magnificent holographic puzzle which, in turn, will provide a more complete reflection of the Father. A broken mirror only reflects an imperfect picture. As humanity reconnects, the mirror is being restored to a pristine state and reflects back to His source a perfected picture.

“Each one of you is a small facet of that mirror. Search within to discover which part of your little mirror need to be shone and which beautiful part of you it can reflect. Truth, beauty and goodness are the elements which are to be reflected in each mirror. Work at being such a reflective personality as such a reflection emulates others in their own quest for their highest expression.”

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