The Inner Sherpa



“If you are not right on the inside, it is useless to pray for that which is on the outside.” [UB 1451:03]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the above statement resonated with you and picked your curiosity. What does it mean?

“The outside world is the manifestation of a multitude of intentions and frames of mind and heart. It is a blending of positives and negatives.

“Warmongers are those who spread disharmony. This could never occur if they were ‘right on the inside’, i.e. if they were peaceful—peace filled.

“If they prayed for world peace while behaving as if they had no personal influence on the state of the world, nothing would happen as their prayers would be mere lip service and could not exert any positive influences. They would be hollow, devoid of weight and content.

“This is the reason why change begins from the inside. As Ghandi expressed it so well: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Put your own house in order by settling your being in Peace and becoming a Peace monger. Try this out in your daily training run and you will be amazed at what will take place in your day.

“The same goes with praying for healing. It also requires a state of receptivity from your part. The Father cannot deliver anything to His children who do not go through the effort of picking up His mail but redirect it to their junk box. Some of your prayers could be compared to the placing of a very specific order with the Father. His warehouse is abundantly and adequately stocked. Yet, He ensures that the recipients of His precious blessings will not take them for granted or absentmindedly discard them.

“The same goes for Love. There too, it would be useless to pray for Love if you act unloving toward yourself or others. Love attracts love. Hate attracts hate. Any energy attracts kindred energies and rejects whatever is foreign to itself. This is another important element to consider. How do you use your heart power? Is it used according to its user’s manual or is it misused? The more you correct what is dysfunctional within you, the weightier your prayers will become as your being will become harmonious. Not only will it be a receiver of many blessings but it also will be a transmitter to the outside world of these character traits that are good, true and beautiful and well worth sharing.”

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