The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, how amazing it is that everything in the Father’s creation is intertwined and interconnected! In His infinite wisdom, God created a divine co-dependence or inter-dependence. No part is sustainable apart from the whole at all levels. The whole cosmos rests on the foundation of mutual and joyful service. Yes “joyful” is the operating word here as one feels gratitude and joy when one recognizes what privilege it is to be of loving service to one’s fellows and to one’s environment.

“Love can only exist on the base of reciprocity. Whether or not you are aware of it, your physical surroundings is love infused. Sadly, many human beings are disconnected from the Source of Love in their own being; they operate from their mind or may even surrender that function to others, depriving themselves of their divine gift of independent thinking.

“The ability to think independently is what allows you to be a co-creator, a divine co-creator. Any true creation is an original, not a patented copy. The Father creates ad infinitum and each creation, as tiny and ephemeral as a snowflake, reflects His desire to express yet another facet of Himself – big or small.

“Learn to live with minutia as well as it is in the details that reside true beauty. Everything you do during your day can be a way to worship the One who gifted you with your life, your personality, and your ability to love--everything you are made of. His creation is love infused at ALL levels. What about your level? Do you neglect to sprinkle the magnificent love substance which activates the beauty in what you co-create? A meal cooked without love is dull and deficient in superior nutrients. A meal infused with love activates a loving response in your heart and nourishes you emotionally as well. A meal infused with gratitude and blessings even nourishes you at a deeper soul level.

“The Father’s creation is intended to satisfy the needs of all His offspring at all levels as they are intertwined. Live your days with more awareness of the positive ripple effect that your actions can have if they are love infused. True love is always based on Truth and Beauty. Again, these three values are intertwined in the Father’s creation and cannot be separated; they are a trinity as well.

“As you learn to live more consciously, you will measure all your intentions and actions against the high divine standards of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. If they pass the muster, you are living a love-filled life. If any one of these elements is absent, it points to the fact that you are not living your life at a cosmic level but at an egotistic one, prioritizing the needs of the ego at the expense of those of the whole.”

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