The Inner Sherpa



“The weak indulge in resolutions, but the strong act.” [UB 556:13]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us address the above statement. The process of creation is in fact a process of ‘cre-action.’ Wishful thinking can only be materialized through actions. Resolutions pertain to the changes you would like to see manifested in your life and in the world. They are like starter kits of seeds stored in your mind, and you instinctively know that, if you actually and pro-actively tender to these seeds, they will manifest their longed-for outcome.

“On the other hand, if these thought-seeds fail to be planted in the fertile soil of actions, they will not germinate, and both your inner and outer landscapes will remain in their state of disarray.

“Many among you take resolutions at the beginning of each year, deeming that demarcation line in time to be the perfect timing to push life’s reset button in order to positively shift it. Sadly, many of these resolutions are short-lived and soon forgotten for lack of daily tendering. Such unfulfilled resolutions only leave regrets in their wake. Lack of action—procrastination—naturally leads to lack of results and maintain an unsatisfactory status quo, even leading to sliding further down the slope of dysfunction.

“Dear ones, take realistic resolutions and act upon them. Revisit them frequently to monitor their status. Have they been relegated to the very bottom of your to-do list or are you assigning them top priority?

“It is very helpful to keep in mind the desired outcome for such well-intended resolutions. Why are you formulating them? Isn’t it to improve the quality of your character and life’s experience? The very fact that you are taking them demonstrates that you are aware that there is room for improvement. You are conscious that your quality of live can be significantly upgraded if you tackle on the undeveloped potentials of your inner real estate.

“Are your resolutions weak or strong? A weak resolution is not sustainable. A strong one will give you the needed impetus to jump into action. It will be your springboard. Not only do the weak indulge in resolutions, but they also indulge in making excuses for their failure to act upon them. The strong act and bring forth a valuable return on their energetic expenditure. Each successful endeavor contributes to their higher evolution. Regrets and excuses are no longer part of their reality.”

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