The Inner Sherpa



“Divine Love does not merely forgive wrongs; it absorbs and actually destroys them.” [UB 2018:01]

Teacher Uteah: “You came to Me somewhat puzzled about the second part of the above statement. Let Me help you understand it by addressing it from the perspective of the far-reaching ripple effect of wrongs on your world.

“You may find it in your heart to forgive those who caused you harm. How far do you go in meting out your pardon: all the way or only part of the way? Do you let go of long-entertained grudges and resentment, or do you still hold onto them as means of undue influence—emotional blackmail? Who is the villain then?

“On the cross, Jesus forgave without reservation. He interceded for all and ascended to realms of Light and Life because He embodied Love in Action. He never retracted His loving vows toward humankind. Instead, He renewed them while dying on the cross, setting a living and powerful example of what genuine forgiveness amounts to, i.e., a 100% commitment not to take any wrongs personally, as well as to intercede for those who have not yet come to understand the errors of their ways.

“Let us use a metaphor by visualizing the wrongs as being pieces of stinky garbage littering your living quarters. Would it suffice to bag them up? Definitely not, as bagged or not, trash is a potential contaminant. It needs to be adequately processed and fully recycled so that it can no longer be branded as ‘garbage.’

“This is what Divine Love does. It cannot be otherwise, just as a hot light bulb attracts and dissolves on the spot any insect drawn into its auric field. Become such efficient light bulbs, selflessly shining your light to dissolve all lingering shadows.”

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