The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “There is so much I would like to share with you. There is so much that has not been said for lack of receptivity. Your free will is what determines whether you are having a monologue or you are giving Me permission to step in your mind and converse with you. Think about it for a moment. How do you feel when you are listening to someone who incessantly speaks without giving you any chance to interject anything in his monologue? Don’t you feel some level of frustration? Wouldn’t you like an opportunity to express your opinion? Wouldn’t you like for your voice to be heard and for your input to be granted some consideration?

“We, Divine Indwellers, are frequently subjected to such situations where our human hosts do all the talking and We do all the listening. Such a status quo does not serve your highest good as those who do all the talking behave as ‘know-it-all’ and thus deprive themselves of higher guidance.

“I rejoice when My voice is being heard. I rejoice whenever you stop in your mental tracks and actively listen and solicit My leadings. I have so much to give you—in Love and Wisdom! I am right here—always. Isn’t it the greatest realization you could ever have?

“The world situation would greatly improve if humanity became aware of these heavenly connections. Rather than being rocked by down to earth and often misguided spiritual influences, the planetary spiritual atmosphere would be greatly purified by getting in touch with direct and uncontaminated spiritual guidance—straight from the Source. Indeed, since human beings have been gifted with spirits, they exert spiritual influences on one another. Whenever they connect with other ignorant and immature souls, they synergistically expand the consciousness that they thus generate. This is the reason why hate feeds hate while love feeds love.

“You are all powerful spiritual beings. Isn’t it time to stop and assess where you invest your energies. Are they generating Goodness or are they promoting hate? Such choices should be made consciously as the obvious lack of awareness exhibited by many is the cause of great suffering. Truly, be the change you want to be in the world! Love can never be promoted by hateful outbursts. Lower emotions are very poor advisers. They cloud your perception. Take time-outs and go within. Throw yourself such a challenge and see if it elevates your perspective on life.

“Rather than complaining about the worldly state of affairs, take action and change the state of your inner world. Turn your inner light on and allow it to get diffused through the windows of your soul. Become a beacon of hope for others. Help them to change their behavioral patterns by rethinking their life priorities. You are the priority of your Divine Fragment. Wouldn’t it be courteous and loving to reciprocate? As always, the choice—and the consequences—are yours. Knowing that, disconnect yourself from the blaming game and invest your energies in praise and gratitude to promote the enduring value of Goodness rather than continuously feeding the planetary home fire with anger and hate—very dangerous explosives.”

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